Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Winter light
This is the shortest day of the year. From now on, the days will be longer and the light will come back. This always makes me happy! And it's amazing that the magnolia branches I picked some weeks ago started to blossom :-) I'm taking a little blog break now, and I want to wish you all the best in 2012!
Ik word altijd blij van de kortste dag van het jaar, omdat de dagen dan weer langer worden. En de magnoliatakken die ik laatst geplukt heb, staan ook in bloei, echt magisch! Ik neem even een blog pauze en wens jullie het allerbeste voor 2012!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Christmas knitting: final post
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Workshop kerstballen breien @ Lebuinuskerk Deventer
This Saturday, I will join "Het Kleinvak, Schalkhaar" to give a knitting workshop during the Christmas Fair in the Lebuinuskerk in Deventer. If you would like to learn how to knit Christmas balls, please join us from 10:00 -13:00!
Komende zaterdag ga ik samen met "Het Kleinvak, Schalkhaar" een workshop "kerstballen breien" geven tijdens de kerstmarkt in de Lebuinuskerk in Deventer. Als je dit graag wilt leren, schuif dan bij ons aan tussen 10:00-13:00. Je bent van harte uitgenodigd!
ps: de toegang tot de kerstmarkt is 2,50 euro, de workshop is gratis, materialen kun je ter plekke kopen of zelf meenemen
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Time out: a comfy crocheted cushion cover
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Two aran knit balls
It's cold, it's dark and I'm photo-shopping like crazy to make my pictures look winter white, instead of swampy gray :-). I've put a jug of magnolia branches on our mantle piece and added some of my aran knitted Christmas balls. Next week, we'll buy a tree!
ps: the pattern is from Knitting Daily, you can download it here.
Het is koud en donker en ik moet behoorlijk wat fotoshoppen om een lichte foto te krijgen :-). Hier heb ik twee gebreide kerstballen met kabelpatroon in magnoliatakken gehangen. Je kunt het patroon hier downloaden.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Two birds
The Christmas book from Arne & Carlos has 55 designs, but I limited myself to the ones with hearts and birds. I think the birds are really sweet!
Now that I've finished the yarn I bought for these Christmas balls, I'm going to use the little balls of white left-over yarn I found in my stash, and then I think it's time to start working on my throw again :-)
ps: I was told that Arne and Carlos are working on an Easter knitting book. You can browse the look book (no patterns) here. And, they've designed an extra advent Christmas ball, downloadable for free here. It's in Norse, but don't let that scare you, because the basic pattern is the same as the one in their book.
Dit zijn de vogelballen uit het boek van Arne en Carlos. Ze hebben ook nog een gratis patroon voor een gebreide Advent kerstbal gemaakt (hier) en werken aan een Paasbreiboek. (voorproefje hier)
Monday, November 21, 2011
Knitted leaf & lace throw: a '70s interpretation
So far, I've finished 5 leaf & lace squares, only four more to go :-) It was nice to find a seventies example of this throw in the thrift store last week! I didn't like the colors (orange and brown), but I do like the way the design was adapted, such as knitting the leafs and the border in two different colors. I think this would work for e.g. a cushion cover knitted in thick yarn. The squares are stitched together diagonally. This surprised me, because it makes finishing the border quite difficult. She (I assume it was knitted by a woman :-), used half a square to fill the gaps in the border. Now that I'm writing this, I wonder how she did that... I forgot to take a look...
I took picture of the throw, but I didn't buy it because of the colors. I really hope it will find a happy new home!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Lavender and light blue
This color palette was inspired by my train commute through the Veluwe, a forest in the Netherlands. Last week, we had the first frosty November mornings, and the forest was beautiful in shades of gray, light blue and lavender.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
A crochet workshop @ Kleinvak, Schalkhaar
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Aran knitted Christmas balls
Friday, November 4, 2011
A collage: watery shades of blue and green
Monday, October 31, 2011
How to knit balls: two video tutorials by Judy Graham
Friday, October 21, 2011
Knitted Christmas balls
Thursday, October 13, 2011
From traditional design to something new: a mood board
ps: I'm a big fan of Sibella Court. This image of hers was an inspiration too. It's funny to find out how some images can stay with you for a long time and then come to mind all of a sudden...
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Embroidered fabric samples from 1866
The Textile Manufactures of India is a collection of fabric sample books from 1866 . These books are now published on-line here. You can browse the database by material, object type, origin, pattern, technique and use. I browsed by technique and found some lovely embroidered fabrics, sigh....
ps: I'm trying to customize my new blogger template :-)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Marie Claire Idées
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Blogging your way
Wow, I signed up for the final Blogging your way e-course, by Holly & Thorsten Becker, and Leslie Shrewring. We're starting this Friday and I'm really looking for ward to it :-)
One of the things I've learned through blogging so far, is how much I like the combination of pink and blue. This '70s chair from my parents used to be black, red, lilac and peach, and is now pink , the dahlia is from my garden and I bought the teacup in Copenhagen last summer. It's from my favorite series of dinnerware ever, Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted Mega. It's way out of my budget, but I just couldn't resist one teacup :-)
Monday, September 26, 2011
Leaf & lace throw: work in progress
It's been a while since I wrote about my leaf & lace throw, but finally I've made some progress. I finished 3 blocks and sew them together to see what the final size might be. It's 150 cm wide, so a 3*3 throw will be 15*150 cm. I guess that's big enough :-)
ps: I blogged a about the background of this design here, and about similar patterns to be found online here
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Late summer pinks

These are some of the zinnia's that I managed to rescue from the snails, in lovely shades of pink.
I was hoping to post some images of my leaf & lace throw instead, but I can't. The third block is almost finished, but I made a mistake somewhere, and I don't really know which part/row to unravel... I really have to find some courage to start working on it again:-)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Early autumn colors
One of my New Year's resolutions was to sow zinnia's, and they're in full bloom right now :-) And the dahlia's are back too! Together, they add a little splash of early autumn colors to my table.
I realize I haven't been writing about needlework on this blog for quite some time now. It's because I finished my medieval smocked apron (see tutorial on Medieval Silkwork).
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Swedish summer colors
I'm back from my holiday in Sweden and Denmark, and once more, I completely fell in love with the light and the shades of soft blue, gray, white and green. I took this image in Krusmynta Garden, a lovely herb garden/ tea garden close to the beach. This seaside corner under the pear trees really makes me happy. Maybe I should print this out come November, when it's cold and dark here :-)
Monday, July 18, 2011
Th. de Dillmont art nouveau embroidery book, 1895

A few weeks ago, I found a copy of a Th. De Dillmont art nouveau embroidery book in an open air book fair (one of those things I love about summer!). Because the weather is so bad, I haven't taken pictures of it yet. I did find a similar copy online, so you can get an idea of what it looks like. It's really worth taking a look at the transfer sheets at the end of the book. I may not like the colors that were used in the examples, but the transfers really show the designs and those are definitely inspiring!
Monday, July 11, 2011
July colors: pea and mint

This is my first pea harvest ever: only a handful, but delicious and in a wonderful shade of green.
ps: yes, I'm experimenting with borders, text and picture size :-)
Saturday, June 25, 2011
A blog break
I've decided that I'm taking a blog break, because there is too much on my plate right now: preparing a conference, finishing my current job and finding a new one, travelling between the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Sweden, taking driving lessons (I do have a licence, but I haven't driven for ten years..). I hope to be back early Autumn :-)
Monday, June 13, 2011
First leaf & lace square finished
I finished my first leaf & lace square, and I pinned it onto a cushion to see what it looks like. I just love the way the leafs seem to float on top of the square :-) In the end, I decided to use a soft cream yarn instead of green. I will always love cream, whereas I'm not so sure of green...
The yarn is a Dutch brand, Lammy Ibiza, to be knitted with needles size 6. The square measures 50*50 cm. I'm thinking about making a throw with 9 squares. It's much quicker than the crocheted throw I just finished :-)
Sunday, May 29, 2011
May colors
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Pin board: Craft inspiration April 2011

Someone asked me if I didn't miss working on my blanket, after a year of crocheting. The answer is YES. I haven't decided what to do next... I'm now working on a historical smock embroidery project (I'll show you when it's finished). Now that the weather is so good, I don't really feel like knitting.. I was thinking about making a memory quilt with some of my daughter's shirts, but I've never done quilting, so that takes some research...
So that's why there are so many examples of smocking and quilting in this board :-)
Monday, April 25, 2011
April colors
Sunday, April 17, 2011
It's finished
ps: I can't give up granny squares yet, so I'm making a mini throw for a doll's bed now :-)
Monday, April 11, 2011
Spring colors: white and green
Some cherry blossom on my night stand. My bedroom looks very uncluttered in this picture. I wish that were true in real life :-)
Monday, April 4, 2011
Shades of green
This is a mood board for our bedroom: light walls, shades of green and chocolate, and little touches of pinkish red (of course!). I wanted to knit a lace& leaf throw, but I still haven't found the right yarn. "Cafe Tasse chocolate wrapper green" would be nice, but it's quite difficult to find :-)
Pin board: throws and blankets

I haven't posted a pinterest board for quite some time. Now that the day's are growing longer, I spent less time on-line, so that's probably why. Here is a glimpse of my 'throws and blankets' board. You can find it here, and click on each image to go to its original source.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Two weeks ago, the "big" magnolia in my village was pruned, and I asked if I could have some branches. They started flowering this week :-) Such a perfect excuse to play with shades of brown and pink!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Only 20 more granny squares to go
Writing for my blog made my realize I collect quite a lot of things: vintage china, enamelware, and books with pretty covers :-). I found these volumes from the fifties in the thrift store. I will probably not read them, but I really love these covers.
ps: the same rules for collecting apply: the books have to be cheap and have lovely covers :-)
Monday, March 14, 2011
March colors: shades of pale green
Last week was the first time this year I picked flowers from my garden, a little bunch of snowdrops :-).
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Priscilla bedspread book, 1914

Throws with flower and lace designs like these would not be warm, they would be an awful lot of work to make, but they are so so pretty! I also like the idea of making a throw with pieces of fabric and crocheted borders, like the one below:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Cups and saucers

It's a very sunny and cold March day, so I decided to try to take a picture of my vintage china. Spring is on its way, and I'm really looking forward to the open air brocante & antiques fairs. I collect cups and saucers, but only the ones I really really love (and cost less than 2 euro). That's why I've bought only three of them in the past year...
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Only 32 more squares to go...
.. and then I can start working on the border :-) Mia posted a wonderful tutorial for a crocheted border on her blog here. It may be a little too much for a throw like this, but I'm definitely thinking in that direction.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
A beautiful blog on 18th and 19th century dress

Hats & Laces is a Tumbr blog full of pictures of beautiful dresses (swoon!) focusing mainly on the 18th and 19th century. I completely fell in love with this dress from ca 1885: the colors, the ribbon details, the flower patterned stripes, … Maybe I should have been a period drama actress :-)
There was no background information, so I don't know where this dress is from. That's a typical problem of sites like Pinterest or Tumblr: sometimes images are reblogged so often that the original image credits get lost...
Monday, February 14, 2011
Paint it pink
Last week I bought a little table for my daughter at the thrift store. It was a horrible shade of green, and after seeing the latest Ariadne at Home magazine, I just knew it had to be pink :-) Her chair is a matching cherry red! There is some paint left, so maybe .. one of my wooden chairs...
ps: the paint is a Dutch brand: Flexa, oudroze 1015, hoogglans
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Yarn experiments

It's fun to experiment with different types of yarn for a knitted leaf & lace throw. Last week, I bought a some of this yarn: Lana Grossa Ragazza, 100 % merino wool to be knitted with needles size 12 (US 17). It's absolutely wonderful, but.... it's way too expensive for a throw... I made a mini square to calculate the amount of yarn I would need, and it's just too much (sigh!). I'll save these balls to make a super comfy shawl. But that's for next winter, because I'm already in a Spring mood :-)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Craft inspiration January 2011

Here's some craft inspiration I collected in January. You can find this pin board here. Click on each image to view its original source.
Monday, January 31, 2011
February colors
The painting is by an anonymous Flemish painter, ca 1520.
ps: I would love to have the blue scale :-)
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Am embroidered panel, ca 1909
I haven't posted much these weeks, because it's busy at work.... There will be a lot of deadlines this year, so maybe I'll be posting less frequently..
I really love the embroidery above, that's why I wanted to share it with you. You can read more this, and about Scottish embroidery from ca 1900, on the Textile Blog.