The last hollyhocks of this season, in shades of pale pink and green. I also love the little touches of yellow in the back ...
I took these images at Herma's Garden and Nijendal Nature Reserve. I go there often with my husband and my daughter, both places are small, quiet and wonderful. If you happen to be in the neighborhood of Deventer and you're looking for some peace, go there, and afterwards, have a drink at Havezathe De Haere (that's what I did today :-).
Craft-wise, I'm a bit of a multi-tasker, working on various projects at the same time... But this is my “priority project” for now: a woolen cable knit sweater for my daughter. I love cable knitting, and when I found a vintage Ariadne with a beautiful sweater, I knew I just had to make it! (I can't find it right now, I will give the reference later). I can really picture her wearing this when it's cold outside :-)
I also discovered that there are a lot of cable knitting video tutorials on youtube, for example this one. If you want to give it a try, just take a look!
The embroidery pattern can be downloaded from Wymarc. If you like this type of embroidery, take a look at his site for more!