Here's a preview of the craft projects that have caught my attention in December. Click here to see the pin board, and then click on the images to see their original sources.
I wish you all a very happy New Year, with lots of fun crafty projects!!
De techniek van het kunstbreien. Kanten en patronen. H. Van der Klift-Tellegen, 1984, Cantecleer, De Bilt.
You can also find something similar in this book in English.
Today, it was very cold, but also very beautiful. The sun was shining and the world was covered in a thick layer of snow. A perfect day for a bowl of hot chocolate and a slice of homemade chocolate-vanilla cake. Although I have to confess that after eating and drinking what's in the picture, I did feel a little shaky. The combination of hot chocolate+chocolate cake might be a little bit too much ... Next time, I'll combine the cake with tea instead :-)
Here's the recipe (I combined several, this was what seemed to work for my oven).
200g sugar
for the chocolate dough: mix 4 tablespoons cacao powder and 4 tablespoons sugar with a little boiling water
Put in the oven for about 60 minutes at 175o C.
This morning, we unwrapped our Sinterklaas presents. I really liked some of the wrapping paper: a classic brown envelop and gold paper used to wrap up rose scented bath oil (one of the gifts I received :-). That's why I decided to use it to make this paper hearts garland.
Ps: one of my New Year's resolutions will be to re-use pretty wrapping paper :-)
Shades of frosted light blue and light green, shades of brown verging on purple. And, of course, a little splash of fuchsia/red!! My husband and my daughther on a frosty morning, taking a walk in a parc in Brussels.
If I ever make another throw, I'll probably use a different hook size. This one is made with a 2,5 mm crochet hook. And I know now that it takes ages with such a small hook :-) I really love this example of giant granny squares in really thick yarn, it looks so cozy! (scroll down for a better image).
I took these images at Herma's Garden and Nijendal Nature Reserve. I go there often with my husband and my daughter, both places are small, quiet and wonderful. If you happen to be in the neighborhood of Deventer and you're looking for some peace, go there, and afterwards, have a drink at Havezathe De Haere (that's what I did today :-).
Craft-wise, I'm a bit of a multi-tasker, working on various projects at the same time... But this is my “priority project” for now: a woolen cable knit sweater for my daughter. I love cable knitting, and when I found a vintage Ariadne with a beautiful sweater, I knew I just had to make it! (I can't find it right now, I will give the reference later). I can really picture her wearing this when it's cold outside :-)
I also discovered that there are a lot of cable knitting video tutorials on youtube, for example this one. If you want to give it a try, just take a look!
The embroidery pattern can be downloaded from Wymarc. If you like this type of embroidery, take a look at his site for more!
Last week I was on a holiday in Gotland, Sweden. I brought back some souvenirs: replica's of 14th century glassware, a wooden heart, a book about summer houses on Gotland (I'd love to own one!). For me, they reflect the colors of a summer on a Swedish island: light green, light blue, light wood.